Vanessa Rousso Lets One Go, Then Eliminates Lee Clark

Vanessa Rousso just had an eventful couple of hands.

In the first one, Jeff Trudeau raised to 7,500 in late position and Rousso made it 19,500 in the cutoff. Back to Trudeau, he four-bet to 42,000 and Rousso stared him down and thought for over three minutes. She ended up folding, and Trudeau said, "pick one."

Cord Garcia at the table turned over the Kc and Trudeau said, "I had my dad's favorite hand, I couldn't fold." Apparently that hand is king-eight suited.

The very next hand, Rousso limped in late position, Lee Clark raised to 8,000, Carlos Loving called in the big blind, and Rousso called.

These three players saw a flop of KcKcKc and Loving and Rousso checked. Clark continued for 15,000, Loving folded, and Rousso called. On the Kc turn, Rousso checked, Clark bet 15,000 again, and Rousso made it 30,000. Clark called and the river was the Kc. Rousso instantly moved all in, and Clark called for his remaining 80,000.

Clark had A-K for trip kings, but Rousso had KcKc for the nut flush to win the pot and eliminate Clark.

Vanessa Rousso - 305,000
Jeff Trudeau - 170,000
Lee Clark - Eliminated

Level - 15
Blinds - 1,500/3,000
Antes - 400
Remaining - 35

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