Bad Man Stan

Remember earlier in the day when I blogged about being called over to a table by a player who wasn't even in the hand .... yeah, it happened again here in Day 1B.

I head over to table 31 to see short-stack Michael Kamenjerin is all-in, Stan Jablonski is all in and Steven Resnick is also all-in, having both players covered.

Wait, there's still a fourth player - who has everyone covered - debating about being the fourth all in preflop ... but he folds Jacks face-up as Jablonski says, "He has to have at least Kings there," motioning towards Resnick.

"That doesn't look good for me," says Kamenjerin about the face-up fold, as he turns over KJ.

"That looks even worse," he adds as Jablonski shows AK

Resnicks shows Queens and Jablonksi likes what he sees.

Stan likes things much better as the flops goes 3-A-5. the turn 8 eliminates Kamenjerin and the river 7 gives Jablonski both the main pot and the 11,000 sidepot as well.

Level - 9
Blinds - 400/800
Antes - 100
Entries - 27 of 49

-- Dan Ross


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