Late Rush

Kevin Klafeta has plenty to smile about ... now. Klafeta was down to his last 11,000 and moved all-in over an open from Drew Zinck, and there was a snap-call from Zinck.

Klafeta showed 7-9 and thought he was in big trouble. Well, Zinck had a pair, but it was 3-3 so Klafeta did have two overs, catching his 7 on the turn and doubling up.

He moves in a few hands later with Kc Kc, runs in to Kc Kc, catches his flush on the river and Klafeta has worked himself back up to 47,000 with 2 eliminations before Day 1A comes to a close

Level - 11
Blinds - 600/1200
Antes - 200
Remaining - 14/57

-- Dan Ross


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